
Shadow of war how many fortresses
Shadow of war how many fortresses

shadow of war how many fortresses

Walk forward until one of your men gets killed by a huge sand worm! Sprint ahead of your men and run towards the giant skeletal rib cage, at this point you will be attacked by a worm and 'die'. At the end of each story mission after the first one, you will unlock a new skill for Baranor and an achievement. There are five story missions in the DLC, including the mission that you play automatically when you first start the DLC.

shadow of war how many fortresses shadow of war how many fortresses

The equipment upgrades you receive in this DLC are insane and you'll end up being more powerful than Talion/Eltariel by the end of your playthrough! Don't be scared of losing your ring powers, you still have most of your core skills still available. The Desolation of Mordor is a brilliant DLC in which you play as Baranor, it adds in some new gameplay mechanics that bring a fresh playstyle to the game.

Shadow of war how many fortresses